About Henry

Chasing grandchildren, we recently moved to Colorado Springs. The Help Desk was paused while making two inter-state moves. Now it is time to be available in Colorado Springs.

Thanks for stopping by. For over 35 years, I have been using computers and technology as tools to assist with daily living. My purpose here is to share a few of the tips and shortcuts that I have learned from others or discovered on my own, with the hope that you may benefit as well. Many of them will be self-contained and can be accomplished without any additional knowledge. Others will require basic understanding of other pieces of the puzzle. If the idea interests you, but don’t know about the other pieces, reply with a comment on the post, or fill out the Contact Form.

On the right of most pages are sections labeled “Categories” and “Tags.” Categories are broad topic areas, and tags are much more granular. While I’m not intending to provide a tutorial on any topic, either can be used to show you my collection of thoughts on that subject.

A couple of key facts. I am:
– a recovering perfectionist, but attention to detail is helpful in the technology world. 😉
– one of my greatest passions is looking for “systems” and/or gadgets to help with life
– a check mark … for those of you familiar with the DISC personality profile system my D is at the line, I is low, S slightly above the line, and C is pretty high; none of this is good or bad, just what it is. When plotted, it looks like a checkmark.

“Henry’s Help Desk,” services are the things I have done for businesses, friends and family over the last 35 years. If you need help to answer a quick question, or more comprehensive technology help, send me a text, give me a call, send an email or fill out the Contact page. The initial conversation is free, and we can determine some next steps.